We have tried to make this as simple as possible, while still keeping all the cool features that we have included.
You will need a GameObject with the OpenWorldsCSManager script somewhere in your scene (see included example). You will also need a UI Panel for either Prefab Models, or Ready Player Me, or both as we have shown in our example scene.
Next, simply add your UI Canvas Panel to the UI parameter in the inspector window. If you are using Model Prefabs, add the model count as the same in your UI, add the models, animator, and if you wish to change the character collider for larger or smaller characters (although this is not usually necessary)
You will also need to add the supplied Player Input Asset to the build settings. The Starter Assets one will work, but the camera rotate has different settings. We suggest that you use our one. WHile you are here, you can also decide if you want the character selector to be shown at game start.
For Ready Player Me models, there is no setup required, but we have provided a sample UI for using RPM.